Redefining Divorce is a mediation firm that assists couples through amicable dissolutions and legal separations. The goal of Redefining Divorce is to help couples get through an extremely difficult time by providing guidance, compassion and affordable fees. We are successful because we are efficient and know how to navigate our clients through the murky emotional waters of the process. With our seasoned mediators, therapists, and financial advisors we are able to make this experience a bit less difficult and significantly less expensive.

We focus on quick resolutions by eliminating multiple parties and mediate between the couple only. The couple develops their own visitation schedule, decides how they want their property divided, negotiates support and makes any other arrangements they feel necessary for the final outcome to work for them. We give our clients the opportunity to make their settlement agreement fit their family rather than making their family fit the law.

"We care about making sure this process is as painless as possible and we give our clients the tools to move forward in a healthy direction. We educate them on how to communicate, co-parent and find comfort in a newly designed life. Our number one priority is to make sure this experience doesn't permanently break their spirits- this is especially important when children are involved. Our second priority is to make sure there is money left for each of their long term goals when the process is finished."

Zina B. Gleason, Esq.

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"I wanted to take a moment and thank you for what you do. Separation/divorce is never easy on anyone."
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"Thank you for your tenaciousness and persevering through a very difficult time in my life as we worked through the process of dividing 40 years of relationship and marriage."
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"I wanted to express my gratitude to you and your staff for the time, energy and professionalism you offered during a very difficult time in my life."
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